Nasze Cardigany » Wind of Grand Lara Croft aka "Laroszka"

Wind of Grand Lara Croft aka "Laroszka"

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🇷🇺🇷🇺🥰🥰Wind of Grand Lara Croft🥰🥰🇷🇺🇷🇺

Major Point Velvet Underground & Wind OF Grand Gretta Garbo - ur. 20.06.2021
Tytuły: J.Ch.PL, Ch.PL

Badania: PRA, DM, X-Linked Severe Combined Immunodeficiency, von- Willebranda-clear, Fluffy - carrier

A/A,B/B, D/D, E,E, (brown, diluten, pink-free, tricolor-possible)

